Mica Splitting


    Book-Form Mica Splittings – Book-Form Splittings are splittings arranged and supplied in the form of individual books. Each book is comprised of splittings obtained from the same piece of Block Mica or Mica Thin and is therefore termed “Book Form Mica Splittings. “Book-Form Mica Splittings are dusted with pure mica powder to offset residual cohesive forces.

    Wrapper Mica Splittings – Wrapper Mica Splittings are book-form splittings that are split into a thickness between .00075” (0.019 mm) to .0015” (0.38 mm). Wrapper splittings are not dusted with mica powder.

    Loose Mica Splittings – Loose Mica Splittings are heterogeneous shapes mica arranged in irregular order that are packed loosely in containers in bulk form. These may or may not be dusted with mica powder. Loose Splittings that are dusted with mica powder are known as “Dusted Loose Mica Splittings.”
